Wednesday, December 15, 2004

I suggest that it won't be too long before we see other geospatial technology mergers and acquisitions take place in a stepwise progression that may eventually involve the major enterprise software companies. Who might that be? A merger between Intergraph and MapInfo makes sense to me. Intergraph has cash in the bank but has only a marginally profitable GIS division; MapInfo is making all the right moves to embed their technology in business intelligence solutions and had a great year financially. Would such a merger cause Oracle to gobble up that combination? It would if it represented a significant customer base that Oracle wants to acquire. And with a large cache of customers in the federal arena like Intergraph has, and a significant installed based in business GIS like MapInfo has, it is a scenario that could very easily make a big splash.


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December 1, 2015 at 4:47 PM  

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